Games that Power Your Vision

Cloud Games

The concept of cloud games is simple. The games are stored in our cloud servers and you just need to put some HTML codes in your webpage and the games will be downloaded from the cloud to the player's computer for him/her to play. The games will not have our logos or links or any reference to us, but will show our ads. You can upload your logo and make other configurations through a control panel in your Novel Games Account.



Not Included

Technical Details

You copy and paste the following HTML codes into your webpage and the English version of the Lightning game will be shown:
Alternatively, you can simply open the following direct link in a new window or in an iframe:
In the above codes, you can see that the "data-game-short-name" (or "gameShortName" for direct link) parameter is assigned the string "lightning", and the "data-language" (or "language" for direct link) parameter is assigned the string "en", so the English version of the Lightning game is shown. The following table lists the parameters and their possible values:



The short name of the game. It is the unique identifier of a game. You can download a list of all the short names of our games here
The language code of the game to show, the following are supported
ar - Arabic
de - German
en - English
es - Spanish
fr - French
hi - Hindu
ja - Japanese
ko - Korean
pt - Portuguese
ru - Russian
zh - Simplified Chinese
zh-HK - Traditional Chinese
The width of the game, can be specified as a pixel value (such as 600) or percentage value (such as 100%). Defaults to 600 pixels
The height of the game, can be specified as a pixel value (such as 400) or percentage value (such as 100%). Defaults to 400 pixels
Your Novel Games Account member ID. Games set with your member ID will show the logo and use the settings you set in the control panel of your Novel Games Account members area
Set this to true to hide the more games button, even if you have set the more games button URL in the cloud games settings page
If your website has a membership system, then you can use this parameter to tell the game the username of the logged in player. If you have set this parameter, then you must also set the data-player-hash parameter.
If your website has a membership system, then you can use this parameter to tell the game the name of the logged in player. If you have set this parameter, then you must also set the data-player-hash parameter.
If your website has a membership system, then you can use this parameter to tell the game the url of the picture of the logged in player. If you have set this parameter, then you must also set the data-player-hash parameter.
This parameter is used to validate, data-player-username, data-player-name, and data-player-picture-url parameters. If you have set any of these parameters, then you must also set this parameter. To calculate the value of this parameter, first join the values of the data-player-username, data-player-name, data-player-picture-url parameters, and the Secret Key displayed in the Cloud Games section of your Novel Games Account Members Area, and then calculate the MD5 hash of the resultant string.

For example if

data-player-username is set to "join" (without quotes),
data-player-name is "John Smith",
data-player-picture-url is "",
and your Secret Key is "asdfqwer",

then the value of data-player-hash should be set to the MD5 hash of the string

"johnJohn Smith"

which is "2c6e310b0c52c5cddcf5620693614e2a"
This parameter is used in multi player games only. This parameter lets you to scale the time limit of each of the player's moves. For example if the original time limit is 1 seconds and you set the data-time-limit-scale to 2, then the time limit will become 2 seconds. If you set it to zero or a negative value, then there will be no time limits.